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The facelift is designed to rejuvenate the mid-to-lower face and neck, including deepening nasolabial folds. A facelift in Phoenix can significantly improve and reverse the signs of aging subtly while substantially making you look younger than other people of a similar age.

Dr. Admire’s signature AdmireMD® Deep Plane Facelift and Deep Necklift effectively reverses the signs of aging by:

  • Repositioning and relocating muscles and deeper structures
  • Removing, relocating or adding fat
  • Trimming away excess skin to reveal a fresher, more youthful appearance

Dr. Anthony Admire at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic has revolutionized the Deep Plane Facelift and Deep Necklift, and has surgical patients travel from around the entire United States, as well as other countries.

Fat Grafting

Fat injections are a type of facial filler that uses fat harvested from your body which is then re-injected to enhance facial fullness, fill creases, or build up shallow contours. The most common donor areas for liposuction are the abdomen and buttocks.

Sciton Lasers: BBL HERO and Halo

Using groundbreaking BroadBand Light laser technology, BBL HERO by Sciton can produce a smoother, firmer, more youthful complexion, all without lengthy downtimes.

The Sciton Halo is an innovative hybrid fractional laser that can combat broken capillaries, sun damage, and other skin imperfections on the face, neck, chest, and legs. The ablative wavelength removes superficial damage from the complexion, while the non-ablative laser energy goes deeper to help stimulate healthy tissue regeneration.

The FDA clears Sciton laser treatments to handle a host of skin problems, including:

  • Age Spots
  • Active Acne
  • Sun Damage
  • Volume Loss
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Laxity
  • Freckles
  • Flushing
  • Redness & Rosacea
  • Small Facial Vessels

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