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Forehead/Brow Lift in Scottsdale

Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift is a surgical procedure performed to significantly reduce these signs of aging on the eyebrows and/or forehead, and it can also treat certain hereditary facial features. We can also combine your brow lift with other procedures, like a facelift, to provide a balanced, youthful appearance to the face. Reach out and set up your consultation at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic, and learn more about what a forehead lift in Scottsdale can do for you!

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Whether they’re caused by sun exposure or simple genetics, wrinkles, lines, and creases on the forehead can be a very troubling presence. If you’re in good health, you might very a great candidate for a forehead lift in Scottsdale at AdmireMD®. This procedure is especially perfect for those dealing with:

  • Deep horizontal creases across the forehead
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows 
  • Lines across the nose
  • Sagging eyebrows
  • Tired or sad appearance

Your Brow Lift Consultation at Admire MD®

During your brow lift consultation, Anthony A. Admire will perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and discuss your hopes and goals for this procedure. He’ll evaluate the thickness, texture, and elasticity of your facial skin, the structure of your facial bones and skin, the overall appearance of your eyebrows and eyelids, and the position of your eyebrows, in order to determine the most appropriate surgical approach.

We’ll talk you through every step of the process, ensuring that you know exactly what to expect not only on the day of your procedure, but during the recovery and healing process, as well. Our goal is to help you reach your cosmetic goals, and to ensure that you’re comfortable and at ease, as you do so.

Preparing for Your Brow Lift Surgery

If you smoke regularly, we strongly advise that you stop doing so several weeks before your brow lift surgery, as this will significantly improve the postoperative healing process. Be sure to talk with Anthony A. Admire about any and all medications and supplements you’re taking, as some of them might have to be temporarily stopped before your procedure.

Patients undergoing brow lift on an outpatient basis will need a friend or relative to drive them home afterwards, and to remain with them for the first night.

What to Expect with Your Surgery

Forehead lift surgery in Scottsdale usually takes about one to two hours to perform, and may take place at a hospital, an office-based surgical suite, or an ambulatory center. Either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation will be used for this procedure, and Anthony A. Admire will work with you to determine which option is best for you. Depending on the surgical technique used, an incision or series of small incisions will be made across your forehead, at which point Anthony A. Admire will move or reposition the tissues and muscle underneath your skin as necessary. Anthony A. Admire will then close the incisions, and you’ll be moved to a recovery area for observation.

The AdmireMD® Brow Lift Technique

Traditionally, brow lift surgery involved a large incision across the top of the forehead. Advancements in technology have led to more minimally-invasive techniques. Anthony A. Admire uses 1 small incision on each side of the temple, just above the ears to do an “open” brow technique, but with much smaller incisions. Sometimes an endoscopic camera is used. No screws or anchors are used. The lateral brow is elevated and re-positioned on the scalp and two to three sutures are placed. The incisions are then closed in one layer. These shorter incisions allow for a much faster and more comfortable recovery process, when compared to the more “traditional” brow lift technique. 

During your consultation, Anthony A. Admire will explain his exact approach for your brow lift, answering any questions, and generally walking you through anything you might need to know about your procedure. We’re here to help you be as comfortable as possible, both during your procedure, and the recovery period that follows it.

Admire Plastic Surgery

What’s the Recovery Process Like?

Most patients are able to return home the same day as their brow lift, although an overnight stay may be necessary for some if additional procedures are performed simultaneously. You’ll see some pronounced swelling for a day or two following your surgery, which will subside over the course of about two weeks. To prevent postoperative bleeding, you’ll want to refrain from bending or heavy lifting for the first few days after your brow lift. It may take up to six months for all swelling to fully subside and for all scars to fade.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated by an overly aged or tired appearance due to lines, creases, or wrinkles in your forehead, you might be a great candidate for a forehead lift at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic. We’re here for individuals in the Scottsdale area who are looking to refresh and rejuvenate their facial appearance with one of the area’s most accomplished facial plastic surgeons. Call and set up your consultation with Anthony A. Admire today!

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