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Confidence Redefined: Mommy Makeover at AdmireMD®

When certain parts of your body don’t respond to these smart lifestyle choices, we offer the Mommy Makeover at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic, designed to help tighten and tone your body after childbirth, allowing you to regain your self-confidence and enjoy seeing that slim silhouette in the mirror once again.

If you think you might be a good candidate for the Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale, reach out and set up a consultation! We’re excited to learn how we can help you love the body you’re in, every single day.

Am I a Good Candidate for the Mommy Makeover?

Giving birth can impact many different areas of a woman’s body, but it’s important to note that the Mommy Makeover is specifically designed to address more than just one treatment area at the same time. In other words, if you’re only feeling frustrated about your stomach, we might recommend liposuction or a tummy tuck, instead of a full-on Mommy Makeover.

That said, you’re a great candidate for our Mommy Makeover procedure if you’re in the Scottsdale area, and you’re experiencing issues with the following areas:

  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Breast
  • Stomach
  • Abdomen
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
Woman sitting on stool wearing white button up shirt

Preparing for Your Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale

During your consultation, we’ll work closely with you to help you determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for the Mommy Makeover procedure. As mentioned previously, it might sometimes be better to opt with a single procedure, eliminating your need to combine multiple surgeries in a single package. However, if you’re best suited to a Mommy Makeover, we’ll help you out and make sure you’re all ready. You’ll want to make sure the following criteria are in place:

  • You should be in solid and steady overall health. This means you haven’t had any serious health issues or chronic diseases anytime recently. This is a requirement for most surgeries, either elective or otherwise.
  • It’s important that you aren’t planning on having any more children after your Mommy Makeover procedure. This will essentially undo the work done during your Mommy Makeover, so you should only undergo this procedure once you’ve had your last child.
  • You should not be currently breastfeeding. If you’ve recently given birth, we recommend that you wait until you have either stopped breastfeeding completely, or until three months has passed after giving birth.
  • You’re at your target weight, which is a healthy one and can be maintained. Any serious fluctuations in your weight can negatively impact the work done during your Mommy Makeover procedure.
  • You understand and can commit to the recovery period. This will be different depending on the specifics of your procedure, but given that this procedure often involves more than one surgery, you might have a somewhat extended recovery period.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

The childbearing process can impact several areas on a woman’s body, so the Mommy Makeover procedure is designed to be a comprehensive answer to some of the issues that are visited on a woman’s body after giving birth. We’ll work with you to figure out exactly how to go about achieving the results you’re looking for, and it’ll likely involve some combination of the following procedures.

Breast Enhancement

Whether via augmentation or lifting, the breasts are often sagging and drooping after the childbirth and nursing processes. A breast lift or breast augmentation can help to restore your bust in both size and shape, while also correcting sagging and drooping.

Body Contouring

Tummy tuck and liposuction procedures are a great way to sculpt and contour the middle of the body, which can be a particularly troublesome area after childbirth. Liposuction is a great way to remove excess fat, while a tummy tuck can lift and reposition the abdominal muscles.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

While this is not quite as common in most Mommy Makeovers, a vaginoplasty procedure can help to tighten and firm the vaginal canal, which is sometimes left slightly slack after childbirth or aging. Labiaplasty can also help to correct cosmetic issues.

Butt Lift

Enhancements to your profile and overall silhouette can be made with a butt lift, which can be achieved either through implants or with what’s known as a Brazilian butt lift.

Schedule a consultation

If you’re thinking you might be a great candidate for a Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic, reach out and set up your consultation today! This procedure is perfect for women in the Scottsdale area who have recently given birth and would like to reclaim that youthful glow.

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