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Neck lift

It’s common to see the early signs of aging in the neck before anywhere else. An AdmireMD® Deep neck lift is a surgical procedure that sculpts, contours, and tightens the deep underlying structures of the neck - the deep and superficial neck muscles, deep and superficial fat, and submandibular glands, providing a youthful, more toned appearance. With almost 2 decades of experience, Dr. AdmireMD®’s Deep Neck Lift, provides long-lasting results.

This revolutionary neck lift blends art and science for total neck rejuvenation and reversing the most common signs of neck aging and patients look decades younger. The procedure can correct issues such as:

  • Double chin
  • Sagging jowls
  • Lax, loose neck skin
  • Lines, creases, or neckbands
  • Excess skin
  • Stubborn fatty deposits


If you’re frustrated with stubborn pockets of excess fat, liposuction is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can eliminate these localized deposits, leaving you with a slimmer, more contoured appearance.


Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that can help eliminate the excess fat and sagging skin that contribute to a double chin without surgery or a lengthy recovery. You can receive up to six treatments, but most patients see visible results in just two to four treatments spaced one month apart. Once Kybella is injected, it dissolves excess fat and tightens the area for a more defined and elegant profile.

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